Our Services
Redmineとはオープンソースの「プロジェクト管理ツール」です。 複数人でのタスク管理と進捗管理の情報共有を行います。 弊社は全ての案件をここで管理しています。
Redmine is an open source "project management tool". Information sharing of task management and progress management is performed by multiple people. We manage all deals here.システム開発
ご要望に応じて要件定義・現状分析を行いハード/ソフトのシステム設計から、 予算に応じたご提案・開発を行う事ができます。また、システム保守契約も賜ります。 お気軽にご相談下さい。
We can define requirements and analyze the current situation according to your request, and from hardware / software system design, we can make proposals and development according to your budget. We also receive a system maintenance contract. Please contact us.スマートアプリ開発
複数のプラットフォーム(OS/マーケット) に対して「より簡単に」「より安価に」 アプリを開発し、運用することができます。次世代WEB標準(HTML5)をベースとした ワンソース・マルチプラットフォームサービスです。Android、iOS対応アプリを同時開発いたします。
You can develop and operate apps "easier" and "cheaper" for multiple platforms (OS / market). A one-source, multi-platform service based on next-generation web standards (HTML5). We will develop Android and iOS compatible apps at the same time.ホームページ制作
Wordpressを中心にホームページを制作しています。 WordPressはオープンソースのブログソフトウェアです。PHPで開発されデータベースと連携して動作します。ブロクやコンテンツ管理システムを組み込む事ができます。
I make a homepage centering on WordPress. WordPress is an open source blogging software. Developed in PHP and works with databases. You can incorporate a blog or content management system.ブロックチェーン
We will propose and build a system using the blockchain technology that is also used in the virtual currency Bitcoin. Experience with our proprietary blockchain platform and currency.AI(人工知能)
By incorporating AI (artificial intelligence) technology into matching services and analysis, we aim to realize matching with image recognition and thinking, not just comparison of data.
What our clients say
10月8日 リリーアル予定です。しばらくお待ちください。https://basasiya.com/
In the home of America, the birthplace of lure fishing, through the achievements and abilities of American lures cultivated over a long history and numerous legends and traditions, you can experience the original world view, the real thrill, and the depth of game fishing. If you can tell a lot of customers, there is nothing better than this.
A global company that auctions cars worldwide.
We are constantly trading over 40,000 used cars around the world. We have developed the auction system.
グローバル対応 中古車販売システム
Created the homepage of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Fukuoka University School of Medicine.
This is a responsive homepage that optimizes layout on smartphones and PCs.
ホームページOur Employees
Jane Doe
Junior AccountantLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Bob Dylan
Head DeveloperLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Some facts about us
Our skills
A message from our manager
私たちは事業を通じて「今世界に無いサービス(Service)を提供し満足を超えた感動をお届けする事」 を使命と考え活動して参ります。 人と人との繋がり(ネットワーク)を大切にし、弊社のサービスに真心を添えてお届けいたします。 お客様から信頼され、感謝の気持ちを持って行動します。 弊社の目標は社会に貢献し日本人なら誰もが知っている会社となり、世界へ羽ばたく事です。 / Through our business, we "provide services that are not available in the world today and deliver excitement beyond satisfaction." We will continue to work with this as our mission. We value the connection (network) between people and deliver our services with sincerity. We will act with the trust of our customers and with gratitude. Our goal is to contribute to society, become a company that every Japanese knows, and fly to the world.Hideki Motonaga